Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Rescuers


In an age where animated mouse movies where a dime a dozen, along comes "The Rescuers."  It may be the first animated mouse film, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was the best of the onslaught of an over done idea. 

Disney brought us "The Rescuers" in 1977.  A time where Disney wasn't at it's peak.  We were still over ten years away from the Disney Renaissance and the popular days of old featuring "Bambi," "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Cinderella" were long gone.  There was this awkward period in Disney animation that brought us this film as well as many medieval themed films.  None of which were all that great.  Most of them, including this one, were boring.  The four-minute opening sequence was a bit much in my opinion.  The plot was alright, but I never really understood why Madame Medusa had kidnapped Penny.  It was clear she was after the Devil's Eye Diamond, but what did some random orphan that lived in an orphanage half the country away have to do with it.

I also felt that Bianca and Bernard's relationship was a little awkward.  I understand the character's but they never really 'clicked' together.  I would say it was a chemistry thing.

"The Rescuers" wasn't all bad though.  It brought Disney a mini-action series.  It brought us a sequel released during the Disney Renaissance that I am actually looking forward to watching.  I did like watching them go down to Devil's Bayou and I did route for them.  The movie just lacked from being drawn out.  Of course this was a time when people had a lot more patience.

Disney has been more successful in my opinion but I believe the best recommendation for this film is to Rent It.

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