Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Monday, August 6, 2012

American Reunion


"American Reunion" is a movie that has a very tight niche.  In matter of fact, there is little room in welcoming new people to the franchise.  It's what I call a 'novelty film.'  Done with the intent of bringing back the old fan base to see how the characters they knew and loved are doing now.  It even pays homage to the original films in slightly different and commonly opposite ways.

Even though it's a novelty film it's not necessarily a bad one.  It's just cut from a certain cloth.  If that particular fabric isn't your sort of thing this film is not for you.  It's your average teen sex comedy without the teenagers.  Now they are older and more reminiscent of the past.  The film even hints a sequel which would be equivalent to beating a dead horse.  I can see the novelty with one film but rebooting is not a good idea unless you go back to a younger base.  Everyone's married and has careers now so the whole "sexual exploration" idea is a bit inappropriate.  In matter of fact, it felt weird.  There comes a time when you have a family and a life and it's time to settle down.  I wish this film would have dealt more with their chosen lifestyles and finding happiness over reliving the "glory days" of old.

I've never been fond of high school reunions.  I've never been to one and never plan on going to any.  They seem pointless and irrelevant.  All the people I care about from high school I have on facebook so if I want to update I could do it that way.  I get tired of the superficiality of reunions and how people seem interested and make excuses for their lack of contact.  They even go so far as to promise contact in the future but that never seems to see fruition.  As is the case with this movie.  They promise to see more of each other.  I give them a week before they're all entwined back up in their own lives.

As far as the future with these characters, I hope there isn't any more films.  "American Pie" has done spin-off films that seem more appropriate because it deals with characters in the age range where "sexual exploration" is more appropriate.  It was nice seeing the characters again and catching up and therefore think it was good for one film.  I just fear sequels.  If you're not into the whole "American Pie" thing I wouldn't watch this film but if you were part of the original audience I would recommend you own it.  It's a great novelty film, although never funny.  Unless of course you consider rehashing old jokes with new twists funny.  The language was also quite fowl.  The humor is obviously sex related humor.

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