Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Glee Season Three


Season three of "Glee" is a time for change for a lot of the kids at McKinley High.  As literally half of the Glee club prepares to graduate at the end of the year the focus of the season follows Santana, Finn, Quinn, Puck, Kurt, Mercedes and Rachel as they prepare for their futures with a lot of the time spent on Rachel's future on Broadway as both her and Kurt apply for NYADA, the New York Academy for the Dramatic Arts.

As with seasons past, season 3 introduces some new faces in the form of Sugar Motta; a mob daughter that can't sing, Rory Flanagan; and Irish exchange student, and Joe Hart; a tattoo-clad Christian with dreadlocks.  The problem with most of the new characters is they are reduced to background swayers as the graduates are front and center.  A problem I think could become an issue as the graduates filter out.  I really wish this season would have spent more time on the people who weren't graduating for the simple reason that after this season the Glee club will have the students who haven't graduated.

One of the key elements to "Glee's" success in my opinion is it's eclectic use of music.  It mixes Broadway music, classics and today's hits to attract a large amount of viewers.  As is tradition with the series, this season has several tribute episodes that pay homage to the likes of Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson and even "Saturday Night Fever."

One of the most important moments to me was Nationals.  After losing for two years I felt it was important for the Glee club to win this season before the original crew was separated.  Seeing the New Directions victorious at both Nationals and taking their first win over Vocal Adrenaline was extremely satisfying and left me wondering where the show could go now.  It's going to be vital that the show takes the right steps now because it will be the difference between success and failure as new students are recruited to the Glee club.

It was very interesting for me to watch Rachel choke at her NYADA audition.  It was a controversial moment as she got accepted at NYADA even though she forget the lyrics.  Her persistence at chasing down Carmen Tibideaux, I believe, is what got her into the school, convincing the recruiter to sit in on Nationals.  The controversy was only worsened when Kurt, who blew his audition out of the water, was denied admittance to the school.

I found the humor brought to us by Roz Washington, Brittany and Sue Sylvester as my favorite part of the show and this season is no different.  Brittany's clueless knowledge often leaves me laughing well after the episodes end.

With all it's flaws and many continuity issues, "Glee" season three keeps the momentum that the show has had in the past for me and is easily part of the Essential Collection.

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