Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Saturday, July 14, 2012



Tim Burton is known for cranking out movies that are bizarre.  "Beetlejuice" is no exception.  In matter of fact, I found myself questioning what kind of drugs Burton was on when he created this film.  It was macabre, strange, weird and not even an ounce funny.

"Beetlejuice" follows the story of a young couple that dies on a bridge.  Their house is inhabited by a family of humans that they want to see leave.  Therefore they hire the help of bio-exorcist Betelgeuse to help get rid of the humans.

Even though the film aimed at humor, I didn't see it.  Most of the sets looked fake and unbelievable.  I think this story could have really benefited from a darker storyline that wasn't based around humor.  In ways it felt like it was supposed to be a family film, but there's no way I would let my kids watch this if I had any.

Winona Ryder's character, Lydia, was a really awkward character for me.  For some reason she could see the ghosts.  I get the whole "goth child who wants to die" thing.  I just see it all as a form of attention seeking and teen angst.  I didn't care for her character and wish they could have utilized her story to explain why she could see the ghosts.

I didn't realize how old this film was.  It used stop-motion instead of CGI so my guess is that it was made right around the beginning of the 1990s.  I only wonder if the special effects weren't supposed to be corny.  In ways it felt like Burton was going for a cornier feel.

Tim Burton has made a lot of films that I believe are great ones.  I can't help but feel that "Beetlejuice" isn't one of them.  I can't even figure out why the film spells Beetlejuice and Beetle Juice as the title, but in the film spells his name as Betelgeuse.  My advice, skip it.

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