Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Alien Resurrection


After the mixed reviews of "Alien 3," 20th Century Fox set out to make a film that would reinvigorate the "Alien" franchise.  The result was "Alien Resurrection," an epic fail at any attempt to restore dignity to this dying franchise.

Ellen Ripley sacrificed herself at the end of the previous film in hopes of ending the horror the aliens have created.  Through some miracle, Weyland-Yutani found DNA of Ripley and cloned her.  I don't know how they found the DNA considering she tossed herself into a tub of molten metal.

To put it simply, this movie was just plain weird.  There was no character development and little was done to advance the plot of the series.  In fact, the only advance I can think of is returning Ripley to earth.

It was very clear that there was a link between the Alien queen and Ripley in this film.  Through the genetic experimentation even Ripley showed some attributes of Alien DNA such as acid blood.  I felt Ripley was extremely unlikeable in this film and I was confused with the 'erotic' relationship she shared with the alien queen and her newborn alien/human hybrid baby.

I found the film to be unnecessarily gory.  I felt they threw it in there to get the gross factor which is all this film had to offer.

I can't really tell you too much about the plot because I don't really know where it was going.  I know Weyland-Yutani was trying to train the aliens and domesticate them.  I know they failed.

My greatest advice is to ignore this movie.  It belongs in the trash can.  With all it's attempt at action, it's incredibly uncaptivating and boring.

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