Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Avengers


Let's be honest here, there was a lot of hype surrounding the release of "The Avengers."  A LOT of hype.  In my opinion, last summer's release of "Thor" and "Captain America" were done in anticipation of this film.  The question, does "The Avengers" live up to the hype?  The answer, yes and no.

There are a lot of action sequences in this movie.  Three main ones.  The film pretty much has a large scale action scene at the beginning, middle and end of the film.  My main problem is with the last scene in New York City.  For the simple reason that it was extremely similar to the climax of last summer's "Transformers: Dark of the Moon."  The advantage "The Avengers" has is that they did it better.  It was eye candy at it's finest and even though the whole "portal to an alien world that releases a whole bunch of aliens from another world into New York City via a device on top of a real tall building" is not a new concept, it was incredibly effective here.

The villian of this story, Loki, is a familiar villain to those who saw him give Thor a hard time last year.  He stands as the villain this time around where all the Avengers need to assemble to stop his madness.  I think he was a lot more effective this time around.  When I first heard that Loki was taking the mantle I was a little apprehensive at first but was pleasantly surprised at how conniving he was.

I was really impressed with the Hulk this time around.  Even though I would have preferred Edward Norton for continuity's sake, Mark Ruffalo did a really good job.  I think a lot of the humor that the Hulk presented really balanced this film and gave it a lot of the lighter moments it needed.  I also have to say, Hulk is a beast.  Man, that guy is strong.

When it comes to my recommendation, "The Avengers" could very easily be the greatest comic book movie ever.  This film is easily an addition to the Essential Collection.

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