Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Friday, June 22, 2012

Apollo 18


'Apollo 18' is one of many, many found footage films that have come to be since the success of 'The Blair Witch Project' over a decade ago.  In general, I find most of them to be pretty good.  When compared to the others in it's genre, this one lacks a little.

This particular film takes place shortly after Apollo 17 several decades ago.  The film tries to play this off as a mission that NASA didn't want us to know about.  However, I feel there's no way that NASA could launch a space shuttle without Americans knowing about it because they make a lot of loud noise.  If there was an Apollo 18 I'm sure the government would have told us about it but made a cover story to hide what they were really doing.

I found the aliens to be awkward at best, they were moon rocks.  At certain points the rocks turn into these crab-like creatures that make people go crazy.  I thought it was creative but silly at the same time.

During the mission, the two astronauts encounter a Russian space vehicle as well as a dead Russian cosmonaut by a crater.  Of course, one of the astronauts is curious so he goes to discover the crater causing the whole alien rocks attack to start.

My problem, I just didn't buy into the idea.  I couldn't get myself to believe that this could have possibly happened.  At the end when they told us that some of these rocks were returned to earth and were now missing I understood the idea but found it silly.  It was supposed to be a horror film of sorts but I was never scared.  I never even jumped.

The film is entertaining though.  The development of the astronaut's importance to his family and the heartbreak I felt when I learned he was expendable and NASA wouldn't allow him to return to earth to his family was done well.  I don't know if there is this kind of corruption in the government but if there is it's harsh.  I don't find anyone expendable.

This film is a good watch.  My recommendation is to rent it.

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