Movie and TV Reviews

I've decided to take on a blog to review any movies and/or television shows I'm watching. I'm going to post my review and then score it on one of a couple of recommendations:

Trash Can: Don't waste your time
Skip It: If you can avoid it, do so
Rental: It's alright, worth a watch
Own It: Good for the movie collection
Essential Collection: Don't miss it

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Lost World: Jurassic Park


After the success of the first film a sequel was a no-brainer, even Michael Crichton penned a sequel to his book.  The question was, can a sequel ever live up to the original film.  In this case, I'd say both yes and no.  In many ways it hits and in many ways it misses.

I give Spielberg a lot of credit for not recycling the story from the first film.  Instead, Site B was introduced.  Site B was said to be the place where the dinosaurs were nurtured before being brought into the park.  More importantly, Site B had no fences.

In an effort to save his job and creations, John Hammond hires a group of experts to travel to Site B and document the dinosaurs in their natural habitat.  John calls upon Ian Malcolm to join this group and he refuses at first.  John informs him that his girlfriend, Sarah Harding has already left to the island and goes as a rescue mission to save Sarah.

When he arrives there is the usual sense of amazement, but things get more complex as Ian discovers his daughter, Kelly, stowed away aboard the trailer and is on the island with them.

Shortly after their arrival, a group of InGen helicopters arrive on the island and they attempt to poach the dinosaurs.  This turns awry when the original group lets the captured dinosaurs loose.  Sarah and fellow group member Nick take the baby t-rex to the trailer and begin to doctor the baby.  This of course makes mommy and daddy angry.

The two adult Tyrannosaurs come to retrieve their infant.  After a successful reunion the tyrannosaurs get hostile and attempt to push the trailer off the cliff.  Thus begins the terror of 'The Lost World.'

The numbers are greater in this movies.  More dinos, more deaths, more action.  Whilst on the island the movie, in my opinion, is a great follow-up.  The mistake comes when InGen brings one of the adult Tyrannosaurs and the infant back to San Diego.

Immediately the adult roams the streets searching for it's child creating terror to the citizens along the way.  The sequence is only about ten or fifteen minutes.  I feel this was forced into the end to feed people's demand to see the dinosaurs in a city.  I, personally, would have loved to see the velociraptors in the city.  That would be an interesting predicament.

I do feel the sequel fell short of the original but I did thoroughly enjoy it.  My recommendation is to own it.

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